My Biggest Tip for Doing Your Makeup Well

December 28, 2021

I haven’t been a consistent makeup wearer except for the times I worked in a professional office. But, over the last year, I’ve been working in an office more. I’ve been putting on makeup more because of it. I don’t know about you, but there are a million beauty products on the shelves and it overwhelms me. Not only that, I only know one way to apply eyeshadow, and I have looked like a raccoon on a number of occasions.

A while back, I found a resource that has helped me tremendously! It’s an app that has helped me figure out good looks and how to put my makeup on.

YouCam Makeup App

This YouCam Makeup app has been so cool! You can go here to get it for Andriod and here for iPhone. Originally I downloaded it because it had a hair color feature. I was trying to find an app that would help me with hairstyles. This won’t do hairstyles, but it will let you choose different colors for your hair. It’s crazy realistic.

The makeup feature has been really awesome. It’s helped me see exactly which colors to use and how to put them on my eyes to make the look.

The picture on the left is the one I took with the app. I chose a style I liked and closed my eyes so I could see how I was supposed to apply the makeup. Then, I used that image as a reference while I picked the colors from my pallet. On the right is my version of the look. I realize it is not as vibrant and dark as the app, but in person, it is very noticeable and the right amount of makeup.

The Makeup I Use

Here are all of the makeup products I used to create this look:

Loreal Paradise Enchanted

Loreal Paris Voluminous Superstar xFiber

Flower vinyl-eyes glossy gel eyeliner 

Rimmel Scandalize Precision micro eyeliner

Revlon Lacquer Balm 145 ( I used 140, but I can’t find it on Amazon)

This app has really helped me feel a little more confident with my makeup and brushes. I just look at the lines and follow them. Not sure if this will work for you, but I hope it does!

*I use affiliate links

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