How to Enjoy Cooking More

October 5, 2021

I grew up in the kitchen working alongside my mom. All of us spent time learning to cook and help out in that area. Not everyone has had that experience, and they struggle with it in their adult life. If that is you, then Mary Spindle’s advice may be really helpful to you.

Today she is going to share with us how to enjoy cooking more. Here’s what she has to say-

It’s one of those things that you either love or you hate. Cooking is something that we can celebrate, pour our hearts and souls into and do with love. It’s also something that some people find tricky.

When that’s the case, it’s difficult to find an inner passion for it. Whether you’re someone that can always be found in the kitchen cooking up a storm, or opting for takeout whenever the occasion comes up, there are ways that you can upgrade the cooking skills you already have.

If cooking has never been your forte, you might be able to discover a passion for it, just by focusing on a few different areas. If you’re already a whiz in the kitchen, these ideas might be all you need to take your food up a notch.

1. Love Your Surroundings

When you’re trying to develop a passion for something or to upgrade your results, you have to be comfortable. If your surroundings are something you love, you’ll be willing to put in the time, care, and love needed to create something special.

If you hate to be in your kitchen for more than five minutes, you’re never going to be able to focus on cooking up a storm. So, you might want to think about investing in the kitchen of your dreams. To take your cooking to the next level, you’ve got to have a kitchen that you love to be in. Then, you’ll be dying to cook in it too.

2. Focus On Planning

Now that you’re happy and never want to leave the kitchen, it’s time to work on your planning. When you’re cooking any meal, regardless of how simple or complicated the recipe is, you have to get your timings right. Not only does that mean you’ll want to make sure your prep is on point and done in advance.

You’re also going to want to get every step down too. When your timings are off, you can end up over or under-cooking elements of the meal and spoil it as a result.

3. Master The Basics

If you’re new to the kitchen, or you’ve been meal planning for years but doing it all your way, it might help for you to learn the basics. There are lots of cooking tips for beginners around, but there are only a few important things that you’ll want to learn to master.

If you’re new to the kitchen, or you’ve been meal planning for years but doing it all your way, it might help for you to learn the basics. There are lots of tips for beginners around, but there are only a few important things that you’ll want to learn to master.

Knife skills will not only save you time, but they’ll make sure that your ingredients are prepped to perfection. You’ll also want to work on memorizing key areas of food safety to ensure your cooking is hygienic and healthy.

4. Experiment With Ingredients

You might like to follow your favorite recipes or stick to what you know, but when it comes to taking your skills up a notch, it helps to experiment. Meal prep is all about learning and discovery. As you use ingredients, you’re thinking about how they blend to create a taste sensation.

When you start to understand that, you can create great things. So, start by finding new ingredients from a range of different cuisines and cultures and start experimenting with what you make.

5. Invest In Your Appliances

An excellent cook required great tools. You can make some fantastic meals from scratch using barely any equipment at all, but if you want to improve your skills in the kitchen, you might need to up your game in the appliance department.

An excellent cook required great tools. You can make some fantastic meals from scratch using barely any equipment at all, but if you want to improve your skills in the kitchen, you might need to up your game in the appliance department.

Look for items like food processors, alternative countertop devices, and the best air fryer (check this useful resource). Also, alternative countertop devices and blenders (you can find reviews on sites like Blender Friend if you’re not sure which one to get) that can speed up or improve your cooking.

6. Challenge Yourself

When you’re trying to learn and grow, you need to push yourself. If you stick to the same ingredients, recipes, and routines, you’ll always stay at the same level. So, to improve, you’re going to have to challenge yourself.

Cooking out of your comfort zone can improve your skills and help you to create something special. Make new recipes with limited ingredients or centered around a theme and see where the experience takes you.

7. Embrace Your Crock Pot

If you’re stuck for time but you still want to be able to cook incredibly well, you need to develop a love for your crock pot. There are so many incredible recipes that you can make in it, and the food will never fail to amaze your family or guests.

If you’re stuck for time but still want to be able to cook incredibly well, you need to develop a love for your crockpot. There are so many incredible recipes that you can make in it, and the food will never fail to amaze your family or guests.

All you have to do is throw everything in and let the crockpot cook away. Slow cooked food sure is easy, but you can jazz it up by playing with incredible ingredients at the start.

8. Learn From Your Elders

You may have done this a lot as a child, but you can learn a lot by cooking with your elders. You might love a recipe that your Mom makes or idolize your Grandmother’s mashed potatoes, but you’re never going to learn how to recreate it yourself if you don’t watch them do it.

You can also think about picking up any secrets they have too. You never know what it could add to your cooking either.

9. Take A Class

If you’ve tried and tried and tried and you still feel like you’re destined to be useless in the kitchen, a couple of cooking lessons could help you out. You could even benefit from them if you’ve always dreamed of being classically trained, or you want to see what areas you can improve upon when it comes to your cooking abilities.

Cooking lessons don’t have to be for children or budding chefs; you can find great classes that will suit your needs local to where you live.

10. Consider Traveling to Expand Your Culinary Skills

Sometimes, all you need is a new perspective to give your skills a bit of a shake-up. If you’re a fan of traveling, you can learn a lot about cooking by visiting different counties. The next time you’re hopping on a plane, make sure you have your cooking head-on. Take in the smells, buy ingredients (if you can get them back home), and learn from the locals. It’s a sure-fire way to inspire your culinary mind.

*I use affiliate links

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    October 5, 2021

    I grew up in the kitchen working alongside my mom. All of us spent time learning to cook and help out in that area. Not everyone has had that experience, and they struggle with it in their adult life. If that is you, then Mary Spindle’s advice may be really helpful to you.

    Today she is going to share with us how to enjoy cooking more. Here’s what she has to say-

    It’s one of those things that you either love or you hate. Cooking is something that we can celebrate, pour our hearts and souls into and do with love. It’s also something that some people find tricky.

    When that’s the case, it’s difficult to find an inner passion for it. Whether you’re someone that can always be found in the kitchen cooking up a storm, or opting for takeout whenever the occasion comes up, there are ways that you can upgrade the cooking skills you already have.

    If cooking has never been your forte, you might be able to discover a passion for it, just by focusing on a few different areas. If you’re already a whiz in the kitchen, these ideas might be all you need to take your food up a notch.

    1. Love Your Surroundings

    When you’re trying to develop a passion for something or to upgrade your results, you have to be comfortable. If your surroundings are something you love, you’ll be willing to put in the time, care, and love needed to create something special.

    If you hate to be in your kitchen for more than five minutes, you’re never going to be able to focus on cooking up a storm. So, you might want to think about investing in the kitchen of your dreams. To take your cooking to the next level, you’ve got to have a kitchen that you love to be in. Then, you’ll be dying to cook in it too.

    2. Focus On Planning

    Now that you’re happy and never want to leave the kitchen, it’s time to work on your planning. When you’re cooking any meal, regardless of how simple or complicated the recipe is, you have to get your timings right. Not only does that mean you’ll want to make sure your prep is on point and done in advance.

    You’re also going to want to get every step down too. When your timings are off, you can end up over or under-cooking elements of the meal and spoil it as a result.

    3. Master The Basics

    If you’re new to the kitchen, or you’ve been meal planning for years but doing it all your way, it might help for you to learn the basics. There are lots of cooking tips for beginners around, but there are only a few important things that you’ll want to learn to master.

    If you’re new to the kitchen, or you’ve been meal planning for years but doing it all your way, it might help for you to learn the basics. There are lots of tips for beginners around, but there are only a few important things that you’ll want to learn to master.

    Knife skills will not only save you time, but they’ll make sure that your ingredients are prepped to perfection. You’ll also want to work on memorizing key areas of food safety to ensure your cooking is hygienic and healthy.

    4. Experiment With Ingredients

    You might like to follow your favorite recipes or stick to what you know, but when it comes to taking your skills up a notch, it helps to experiment. Meal prep is all about learning and discovery. As you use ingredients, you’re thinking about how they blend to create a taste sensation.

    When you start to understand that, you can create great things. So, start by finding new ingredients from a range of different cuisines and cultures and start experimenting with what you make.

    5. Invest In Your Appliances

    An excellent cook required great tools. You can make some fantastic meals from scratch using barely any equipment at all, but if you want to improve your skills in the kitchen, you might need to up your game in the appliance department.

    An excellent cook required great tools. You can make some fantastic meals from scratch using barely any equipment at all, but if you want to improve your skills in the kitchen, you might need to up your game in the appliance department.

    Look for items like food processors, alternative countertop devices, and the best air fryer (check this useful resource). Also, alternative countertop devices and blenders (you can find reviews on sites like Blender Friend if you’re not sure which one to get) that can speed up or improve your cooking.

    6. Challenge Yourself

    When you’re trying to learn and grow, you need to push yourself. If you stick to the same ingredients, recipes, and routines, you’ll always stay at the same level. So, to improve, you’re going to have to challenge yourself.

    Cooking out of your comfort zone can improve your skills and help you to create something special. Make new recipes with limited ingredients or centered around a theme and see where the experience takes you.

    7. Embrace Your Crock Pot

    If you’re stuck for time but you still want to be able to cook incredibly well, you need to develop a love for your crock pot. There are so many incredible recipes that you can make in it, and the food will never fail to amaze your family or guests.

    If you’re stuck for time but still want to be able to cook incredibly well, you need to develop a love for your crockpot. There are so many incredible recipes that you can make in it, and the food will never fail to amaze your family or guests.

    All you have to do is throw everything in and let the crockpot cook away. Slow cooked food sure is easy, but you can jazz it up by playing with incredible ingredients at the start.

    8. Learn From Your Elders

    You may have done this a lot as a child, but you can learn a lot by cooking with your elders. You might love a recipe that your Mom makes or idolize your Grandmother’s mashed potatoes, but you’re never going to learn how to recreate it yourself if you don’t watch them do it.

    You can also think about picking up any secrets they have too. You never know what it could add to your cooking either.

    9. Take A Class

    If you’ve tried and tried and tried and you still feel like you’re destined to be useless in the kitchen, a couple of cooking lessons could help you out. You could even benefit from them if you’ve always dreamed of being classically trained, or you want to see what areas you can improve upon when it comes to your cooking abilities.

    Cooking lessons don’t have to be for children or budding chefs; you can find great classes that will suit your needs local to where you live.

    10. Consider Traveling to Expand Your Culinary Skills

    Sometimes, all you need is a new perspective to give your skills a bit of a shake-up. If you’re a fan of traveling, you can learn a lot about cooking by visiting different counties. The next time you’re hopping on a plane, make sure you have your cooking head-on. Take in the smells, buy ingredients (if you can get them back home), and learn from the locals. It’s a sure-fire way to inspire your culinary mind.

    *I use affiliate links

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