Blog Articles

The Turning Point in Our Finances
January 4, 2022 - Money
It's no secret that Austin and I really struggled financially for the first 12 years of our marriage. I did everything humanly possible to save…

Tips for Helping Your Spouse Study
December 28, 2021 - blogging
For the first 7 years of our marriage, Austin was in school. We got married and moved to Lynchburg so he could finish up his…

My Biggest Tip for Doing Your Makeup Well
December 28, 2021 - Relationships
I haven't been a consistent makeup wearer except for the times I worked in a professional office. But, over the last year, I've been working…

Top 10 Gadget Gift Ideas
December 28, 2021 - Gifts
When it comes to gadget purchases in our family, Austin is the "go-to" person for the job. I tend to shy away from buying them…

Chocolate Eclair Cake Recipe With Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free Options
December 28, 2021 - Recipes
Chocolate eclair cakes were a staple dessert when I was growing up. I make them on occasion for my family and friends. Everyone loves them!…

My Adoption Story- When God Sends You An Angel
December 28, 2021 - Parenting
My birth mom named me Angel. She was barely 17 years old when she had me. Suffice it to say, this was a crisis pregnancy.…

Unique Engagement Gifts to Give the Couple
December 28, 2021 - Gifts
Do you know someone that's getting married? If so, check out some of the gifts that our guest suggests below. Here's what they say- When…
How I Motivated Myself to Lose Weight
December 8, 2021 - blogging
I have shared with you guys before that I have gone through some major weight loss in the last few years. A little over a…

Why Am I The ONLY One That Doesn’t Think Stitch Fix is Expensive?
December 8, 2021 - Relationships
Ok, I’m about to get real here on a review of Stitch Fix. Because, seriously, I’ve read review after another that all say the same…

Ways to Add Romance to Your Garden
December 8, 2021 - Relationships
One year, I planted a flower garden in our side yard. It’s the only year I was able to make the flowers truly grow. But,…

Yes, Couple’s DIY Is Romantic!
November 30, 2021 - Relationships
When you think about romance, is home renovation the first thing that comes to mind? No? Me neither. However, Julie Winston is here today to…

Crafts of Romance: DIY Christmas Gifts
November 30, 2021 - Gifts
You know how much I love DIY gifts for any occasion, especially Christmas. I have loved the things that Austin has made for me in…