By nature, I’m a pretty frugal person. It’s been said that I’m so tight that I squeak when I walk. (It’s ok to laugh.)
Those frugal tendencies have certainly helped us through some very tough financial times. However, even in those tight times as well as now, there are things that I will actually spend money on. Some of these may surprise you for a person that is no-nonsense when it comes to spending.
1. Good Coffee
Alright…I might be a coffee snob, I’ll admit it. I want my coffee to taste a certain way straight up. I can’t stand coffee that has been sitting in the pot for hours on warm either. Bleh.
Surprisingly enough, I’m not a huge fan of Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts coffee, but I do really like Barissimo and Millstone.
I’ve learned to drink my coffee black for the most part as long as it is the right coffee. If not, I just use half and half these days. However, Austin really likes flavored creamer, so I make sure that is in the house a few times a month.
2. Ice Cream
Ice cream isn’t my favorite thing, but Austin really loves it. Even in our hardest times, I’ve done what I can to make sure it is generally in the house. Depending on the budget will determine how special the ice cream is. Sometimes, we just end up with those big containers.
3. Store Bought Pizza
I need pizza about two times a month. I’ve tried to make my own pizza and it has been ok. However, I just have to eat store-bought pizza sometimes. Normally, I just save enough money in the grocery budget so we can get it a few times.
4. Materials For Home Repairs
There is no end to the number of shotty repair materials on the market. We have made so many purchases to fix an issue in our home and then the repair hasn’t lasted. We’ve learned that it is best to spend more on well-made parts, hardware, and fixtures.
5. Kid’s Shoes
For a number of years, the shoes my boys wore were given to them. That was ok until their feet grew to a size that no one can pass down shoes. There comes a point when kids are going to wear out shoes before they outgrow them.
Over the last two years, the number of shoes I’ve had to buy my kids is insane. I feel like they tear them up every 3 months. The last few times I have bought them shoes, I decided to find high-quality brands on sale.
A lot of the things we have are items that have been given to us or we get at the thrift store. I like used things and getting deals. However, some things, I will just put out for if need be.